Sunday 27 October 2013

Different Suggestions: Plavalaguna's Performance in The Fifth Element

Figure 1.1 Diva Dance from The Fifth Element
Source: Youtube

Last Tuesday, Professor Petit spoke of a conception called the male gaze, which suggests that a whole-scale relegation permeates the media which is relevant singularly to figures characterized as female (Lecture: 22 Oct. 2013). The thought process encapsulated within the male gaze leaves no ambiguity that a woman standing in the confines of a media artifact is designed in such a way that the visuals of her representation, along with components of sexuality, are the weight bearers of the most significance (Professor Petit Lecture: 22 Oct. 2013). Finally, Professor Petit acknowledges that women are imbued with a necessitated utilization, evident in their stance being situated in the perceptibility of male figures who simultaneously occupy media artifacts (ibid). Explanation and case study was introduced through an episode situated within The Fifth Element, whereby an alien of femininity, Plavalaguna (Maiwenn Le Besco) performs a song while the wealth of consumers are of the opposite sex (Professor Petit Lecture: 22 Oct. 2013; Youtube: Diva Dance from The Fifth Element). Yet, I have discerned that the audience also betrays female visitation in reference to the event under investigation (Youtube: Diva Dance from the Fifth Element), which I find interesting because the consumerism centering upon Plavalaguna then fails to be the solely the culmination of an equation connecting her with males, indeed bearing a linkage between the alien and both sexes. What does this suggest for the conception of the male gaze permeating the aforementioned scene?
                                                                             Works Cited
Frizull. "Diva Dance from The Fifth Element." Online video clip. Youtube. Youtube, 7 Mar. 2010.
     Web. 22 Oct. 2013.
Petit, Michael. "Rhetorical Analysis." The University of Toronto at Scarborough. The University
     of Toronto at Scarborough, Scarborough, ON. 1 Oct 2013. Lecture.

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